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Dr. Alex Lee passion for sustainability and the green building industry, along with his computational background qualifies him as one of the most versatile Green Building Performance Analysis Consultant across Singapore and regions around. His areas of specialization include BIM for Facility Managment, computational fluid dynamic, indoor air quality (IAQ) and building performance analysis of building. He has over 25 years of research experiences at Singapore Technology Aerospace (STAe), Defence Science Organisation (DSO), Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), International Centre in Numerical Method for Engineering (CIMNE), National University of Singapore (NUS) with a focus on the applications of numerical methods to the built environment (building and cities) with energy and sustainability as key pivots. He is currently an adjunct Professor in Singapore Institute of Technology (SiT) and BCA Academy promoting the use of BIM for Green Building R&D, IoT for Building, BIM for FM, Smart City and Smart Nation.
Name: Alex K.H. Lee, Dr.
Country: Singapore